In today’s lesson we focus on the word Audacious (adjective)....
Showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
The vocabulary builder course on the app is a great place to get your vocab skills on point. We have a wide range of over 600 English vocabulary words with fun infographics for you to learn and use in your everyday conversations. Each word comes with its definition, an example sentence, a synonym and antonym so that you know the context in which the word should be used. Never again will you have to be at a loss for words to describe how you feel. Here is a glimpse of what our app offers. For more words like this download the app from the Google Play Store today.
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Audacious (adjective)....
Showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Egotistical (adjective)....
Excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself; self-centered
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Affinity (noun)...
A natural liking for and understanding of someone or something
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Rue (noun and verb)....
Repentance; Regret
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Variegated (noun and verb)...
Exhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks<
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Adjunct (noun and adjective)...
Something added, attached or joined to something else; (of an academic post) attached to the staff of a university in a temporary or assistant capacity.
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Apex (noun and verb)....
The top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point.
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Nexus (noun)....
A connection or series of connections linking two or more things.
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Minuscule (noun and adjective)....
Extremely small; tiny.
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Meticulous (adjective).....
Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Brazen (adjective)......
bold and without shame.
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Gambol (verb)......
run or jump about playfully.
In today’s lesson we focus on the word Quagmire (noun)......
a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot; a difficult situation.
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