In today’s lesson we focus on the idiom not one’s cup of tea.....
Something no one likes or is interested in
The Idioms course on the app will teach you the most common English idioms and where exactly to use them in daily sentences. We will also give you the meaning and an example sentence to help with your learning. You will be able to use these idioms with no hassle at all once you are done with our course. Below are a couple of lessons from the app. For more idioms and infographics download the app from the Google Play Store.
In today’s lesson we focus on the idiom not one’s cup of tea.....
Something no one likes or is interested in
In today’s lesson we focus on the idiom Eyes like a Hawk.....
Someone who notices every single detail.
In today’s lesson we focus on the idiom once in a blue moon......
very rarely.
In today’s lesson we focus on the idiom build sand castles in the air......
thinking of some impossible task; to make plans that are highly improbable
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